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Michael Schulte

27 July / 8 pm / Lagune stage

Michael Schulte

Photo: Leo Müller-Klönne

Grab your calendar and pencil in 27 July for Michael Schulte’s return to our Lagune stage performing his latest album and an evening full of deep and soulful music straight from the heart. Michael Schulte’s album Remember Me is a calm reflection on everything that has happened in the singer-songwriter’s life over the last four years, both achievements and setbacks. He has packed all this into a varied and multifaceted album that he will be presenting live. Hits such as Stay, With You and Waterfall will give you an idea of what to expect in the upcoming album.

Come and lose yourself in the music with hits from Michael Schulte on the Lagune stage – an evening that we’re sure will be one to remember.


Begin: 8:00 h |

The concert ticket entitles you to attend the concert. Admission from 6:00 pm. If you would like to visit the Autostadt before, you need a day or annual ticket.

All Autostadt guests will be escorted out at 5:00 pm. The park reopens for concert guests at 6 pm. The Autostadt attractions (Pavilions, ZeitHaus, GroupForum, Shops, etc.) remain closed. Summer festival attractions such as Cool Summer Island reopen at 6:00 pm.